Links for Learning about AIG:
The North Carolina Association for The Gifted & Talented-
This is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the educational and social-emotional needs of academically and/or intellectually gifted students.
National Association for Gifted Children-
The National Association for Gifted Children supports and engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students.
North Carolina Academically or Intellectually Gifted Program Standards-Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. The following standards are used in Academically Gifted Programs.
Pitt County Schools Academically and Intellectually Gifted Programs-
This link provides valuable information about the programs and services offered for Pitt County academically gifted children as well as strategies and goals implemented to help the children to better succeed.
Duke Tip Information-
The Duke University Talent Identification Program is a nonprofit organization that supports academically talented students in grades four through twelve. Duke Tip offers above-grade-level testing, enrichment resources, year-round learning options, residential summer programs, online courses, and original research to supplement what students receive in school.
CogAt Information-
The Cognitive Abilities Test, (CogAt), is a test nationally normed test that will compare your child's performance wit performances of other students of the same age. This is once source used to help identify children for Academically Gifted Services.
This is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the educational and social-emotional needs of academically and/or intellectually gifted students.
National Association for Gifted Children-
The National Association for Gifted Children supports and engages in research and development, staff development, advocacy, communication, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies who strive to improve the quality of education for all students.
North Carolina Academically or Intellectually Gifted Program Standards-Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. The following standards are used in Academically Gifted Programs.
Pitt County Schools Academically and Intellectually Gifted Programs-
This link provides valuable information about the programs and services offered for Pitt County academically gifted children as well as strategies and goals implemented to help the children to better succeed.
Duke Tip Information-
The Duke University Talent Identification Program is a nonprofit organization that supports academically talented students in grades four through twelve. Duke Tip offers above-grade-level testing, enrichment resources, year-round learning options, residential summer programs, online courses, and original research to supplement what students receive in school.
CogAt Information-
The Cognitive Abilities Test, (CogAt), is a test nationally normed test that will compare your child's performance wit performances of other students of the same age. This is once source used to help identify children for Academically Gifted Services.