The Gifted Child Society: The Gifted Child Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering the cause of gifted children. Through their website, parents can find helpful information and learn about seminars and workshops they can attend.
SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted): SENG is an organization that wants to help ensure that gifted children are understood, accepted, and supported by their families, schools, and workplaces.
Center for Talented Youth: Located at Johns Hopkins, this organization engages gifted kids and their families through programs, summer classes, and even a bi-monthly magazine.
Summer Camps for Gifted Learners: If you are looking for great way to keep your gifted child busy and learning over the summer? These summer camps located all over the United States could be the perfect tip for you!
Educational Resources for Parents of Gifted Children: Mensa is a great place to look for help with a gifted child. Here, they offer up a collection of resources for parents that ranges from scholarship opportunities, newsletters, and other fun activities.
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page: This website is a resource guide for the education of gifted children with links to many gifted education resources available on the Internet for both parents and children.
National Society for Gifted and Talented: NSGT's goal is to advance the development of gifted, talented, and high potential youth, in the United States and abroad, through opportunities, advocacy, and exceptional programs and practices.
Council for Exceptional Children: CEC is is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
The Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students: (AEGUS) provides a forum for ideas and interventions aimed at helping twice-exceptional students reach their full potential.
MENSA for Kids: Mensa embraces younger members through this fun website, offering up monthly themes to get kids reading and learning at an advanced level.